Shelley Albert

Dario, Albert, Metz & Eyerman


Shelley graduated from law School at Temple University in 1990. She went immediately to Manhattan where for five years, Shelley served as an Assistant District Attorney under the legendary Robert M. Morgenthau in the trial division of the New York County District Attorney’s Office. 


After leaving the Manhattan DA’s office, Shelley established herself successfully in private practice, focused on criminal defense and all aspects of family law litigation, including domestic Shelley is currently a partner in the firm of Dario Albert Metz & Eyerman, with offices in New Jersey and in Manhattan. She has been in private practice for the past 20 years. In addition to her private practice, Shelley and her partner, Carole Gold work in an innovative jury selection practice known as The Jury Whisperer, where they assist attorneys in the jury selection process. Shelley’s courtroom and jury experience are central to her current role with The Jury Whisperer, where she teams with Carole Gold to offer clients cutting-edge effective jury selection, document and witness evaluation. Together, Carole and Shelley deliver a unique blend of proven courthouse techniques, upgraded to incorporate Carole’s special intuitive, results-driven, skills. Together they also teach a CLE class in Jury Selection.


Shelley is known nationally, thanks in part to her guest appearances on CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News and other networks. A member of Mensa, Shelley mentors young attorneys through the Trial Lawyers Association and has provided pro bono assistance to Legal Services of New Jersey to assist victims of domestic violence in the New Jersey Court process. 

Practice Areas

  • Criminal
  • Family
  • Cannabis